Before & After Photos

Breast Augmentation Mastopexy Case 15

44 years old


44 year-old White woman with previous breast reduction and augmentation leading to asymmetry and sagging breasts underwent a breast lift and implant replacement with 320cc implants 3.5 years ago.  She presented again post 22 pound weight loss and visible rippling of her implants.  She underwent a second revision with removal and replacement of her implants with Mentor high profile 520cc silicone implants with breast lift and allograft reinforcement bra lift.  She is shown 6 weeks after her most recent surgery.  ElixirMD light therapy has helped with better scarring already and more rapid recovery. Contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Paydar.
Procedure: Breast Augmentation Mastopexy

Time Frame: 6 weeks post-op