Gynecomastia is a common and treatable condition that causes the development of enlarged male breast tissue due to excess fat or glandular tissue. For many men, this condition can be embarrassing and emasculating and lead to lower self-esteem over time, causing them to keep their shirts on when swimming or exercising to avoid judgment or ridicule—which, in the hot summers of Southern California, is less than ideal.
Depending on the cause of gynecomastia, surgery is sometimes required to achieve a naturally contoured male chest. At Paydar Plastic Surgery in Orange County, CA, renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Keyian Paydar performs gynecomastia surgery to extricate unwanted breast tissue and reshape the chest for more refined male pectorals. As you make your final decision, it is important to stay educated on what to expect from a gynecomastia procedure. In this blog, we’ll discuss exactly what you should know before undergoing this procedure to ensure that you achieve the results you want.
A Look Inside Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is a common and uncomfortable condition that affects many adolescent and adult males. It is a frequent cause of social discomfort, which can leave many individuals feeling extremely isolated.
There are many direct and indirect causes of gynecomastia. The leading cause is an imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. If a male’s estrogen levels are too high, excess breast tissues can grow. While all men produce some estrogen, they usually have a much higher level of testosterone, which offsets estrogen’s ability to affect breast tissue production.
Other causes include:
- Obesity
- Puberty
- Age
- Medication side effects
- Testosterone supplement use
- Use of cannabis or anabolic steroids
- Certain health conditions
How to Know If You Require Gynecomastia Surgery?
The best way to determine if gynecomastia surgery is the right approach for you is by requesting a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Paydar. During this consultation, Dr. Paydar will examine your condition and overall health and recommend the best course of treatment for your gynecomastia.
Some common reasons men pursue gynecomastia surgery include the following:
- Prominent breast swelling
- Feeling self-conscious when removing one’s shirt at the beach or in private
- An overhang of the breast tissue that requires compression shirts or other forms of support
- Firmness around the areola or breast pain
- Excess breast tissue in only one breast causing asymmetry
What You Should Know About Gynecomastia Surgery
If you and your surgeon determine that gynecomastia surgery is the best approach to correct excess breast tissue, there are some things you should be aware of to help you best prepare.
First, gynecomastia surgery is performed under general anesthesia at our fully accredited Orange County, CA facility, Newport Aesthetic Surgery Center. You’ll be fully unconscious during the procedure, so you won’t feel a thing.
Depending on the degree of breast tissue and overhang, Dr. Paydar may conduct the surgery with liposuction done through a small incision around a section of the nipple-areola complex (the darker skin that surrounds the nipple) and a few small punctures at the side of the breasts. If a substantial amount of tissue needs to be removed, Dr. Paydar may create an incision using a portion of the areola and directly excise the unwanted breast tissue beneath it to look and feel as natural as possible.
Once Dr. Paydar is satisfied with the results, he will close the incisions with sutures and dress the wounds for recovery followed by a chest compression. The operation usually requires about two hours, after which the patients can go home with a supportive friend or relative.
What You Can Expect from Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery
Gynecomastia surgery recovery generally takes about two weeks, depending on the individual. You may experience discomfort, swelling, or bruising around the incision sites or areas of liposuction. You will be fitted with a compression garment upon your release from the outpatient surgery center, which you should wear at all times (for about six weeks) except when showering, as directed by Dr. Paydar. In addition to following a pain medication plan, it’s also essential to get some rest and avoid strenuous activities early on to limit your discomfort or cause unintentional trauma during the healing process. The most important part of your recovery is following all aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon, including eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, managing pain, and restricting strenuous physical activities.
Dr. Paydar will follow your recovery closely with regular check-ups to monitor your progress and ensure you get the best results possible.
Interested In Learning More? Contact Paydar Plastic Surgery Today!
Gynecomastia surgery can provide almost instant relief and a clear way to improve your self-esteem by removing excess fatty tissue and breast tissue from your chest. The best way to learn your optimal course of action is to meet with a knowledgeable aesthetic plastic surgeon who is familiar with and experienced in performing gynecomastia surgery, like Dr. Paydar. To get started on your journey to feeling and looking your best, contact Paydar Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation today!