
4 Ways to Get Fuller, Lifted Breasts

Shapely breasts are integral to your self-image and feminine identity. Unfortunately, age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can take a toll, leaving your breasts looking shapeless and deflated. This problem can make you feel less confident in intimate moments, when shopping for fashionable clothes, or at the beach or poolside.

No matter the reason, women want beautifully contoured breasts. At Paydar Plastic Surgery, Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Keyian Paydar helps his patients feel more confident in their bodies and in themselves. Here are four procedures he offers for fuller, lifted breasts.

1. Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation improves breast appearance and shape by adding substantial or subtle volume and projection with custom-fitted implants. A breast augmentation performed by a skilled plastic surgeon creates harmony with your unique body type by adding a shapelier breast contour. 

Dr. Paydar will carefully customize every breast augmentation procedure to create outstanding results. In addition, he offers the most advanced breast implant devices and surgical methods, including the no-touch technique, which employs the innovative Keller Funnel. By design, this device allows for safer, more comfortable breast augmentation with minimal surgical risk and a quicker recovery.

2. Breast Lift

Breasts are vulnerable to lifestyle changes, gravity’s downward pull, and the natural aging process. Over time, collagen and elastin – two structural proteins that keep skin firm and resilient – will break down, leading to sagging.

It’s essential to understand that a breast lift will not produce the same benefits as breast implants, like adding breast volume and projection. Instead, a breast lift addresses saggy breast tissue brought on by aging, pregnancy, and gravity. It elevates breast tissue along with nipples and areola and eliminates excess skin for a younger, perkier appearance.

3. Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is a procedure designed to reduce breast size and weight. There are multiple ways to eliminate excess breast tissue and fat for smaller breasts that sit higher on the chest wall and in better proportion to the entire body.

Chronic neck, back, and shoulder pain from the significant weight of excess breast tissue is a leading reason women choose breast reduction. In addition, women with extra-large breasts often require special bras for additional support and must prioritize comfort over fashion when shopping for clothes.

4. Breast Lift With Implants

To get the best of both worlds, many women choose to add breast implants to a lift.

Breast augmentation is among the most sought-after cosmetic procedures for women every year. It uses various implant types and sizes to enhance breast size, shape, and projection. A breast lift elevates breast tissue by removing excess skin and raising the nipple and areola to a more youthful position. A lift tightens skin, sculpts breast tissue, and restores a more youthful, feminine figure.

Get Beautiful Breasts Today

An experienced, board certified plastic surgeon should be a priority when considering breast surgery. Dr. Paydar’s expertise includes the full spectrum of aesthetic surgical procedures employing an in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and artistic skill as a surgeon.  

Dr. Paydar has committed to prioritizing patient safety, comfort, and outstanding results. To start the process, contact our office online or call (949) 755-0575 to schedule your consultation.