Expertise in Body Contouring
Fat deposits on the abdomen, waist, flanks, neck, upper arms, back, and thighs are some of the most stubborn and difficult to target locations for both men and women, even when maintaining a healthy weight. Some areas of the body refuse to respond to even the strictest diets and exercise regimens, despite a person’s dedication. This can be because of many things, but the two most common reasons for stubborn fat are age and genetics.
While this can be frustrating for anyone, the exciting news is that liposuction in Newport Beach can remove these stubborn fat pockets once and for all. At his AAAASF accredited state of the art facility, Newport Aesthetic Surgery Center, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Keyian Z. Paydar performs various liposuction techniques that target these stubborn areas to sculpt the body into a shape that you can feel confident in for years to come. Read on to learn more about how liposuction can help you!
If you would like to learn more about liposuction in Newport Beach, schedule a consultation at Paydar Plastic Surgery by calling (949) 755-0575, or contact us online today.
Liposuction Techniques
Dr. Paydar uses two liposuction techniques: fluid injection liposuction and ultrasound-assisted liposuction. Fluid injected liposuction involves a medicated solution being injected into the fatty areas, which allows the fat to be removed more easily, reduces blood loss and bruising, and provides anesthesia before and after liposuction surgery. VASERlipo® uses ultra-sound technology to reduce fat with a special cannula that produces ultrasonic energy. As it passes through the fat, the energy explodes the walls of fat cells, liquifying them for easier removal using traditional liposuction techniques. These techniques give Dr. Paydar the most control in highlighting, refining and defining the sculpted shape of the body.
Tumescent Technique:
- The liquid allows the fat to be removed more easily while putting less strain on the body
- Less blood loss and bruising
- Allows for more precise targeting of fat cells
- Uses ultrasound technology to destroy fat cells
- Targets only fat cells, leaving healthy tissue unharmed
- Tightens the overlying skin to produce firmer results
What Are Some of the Benefits of Liposuction?
Age and genetics play a prominent role in the shape and contours of our body, like where we carry fat deposits and where our body lacks volume. Liposuction can help you achieve that gorgeous hourglass figure for women and a more masculine, cut shape for men.
Areas like the lower abdomen, flanks, back, and inner thighs can be some of the most challenging areas to target when exercising. It can take years to see results. Liposuction (sometimes known as high definition liposuction) removes the stubborn layers of fat, allowing for the muscle to appear more toned.
Dr. Paydar is a highly-trained professional in the art of liposuction. Dr. Paydar’s skill, attention to detail, and training make liposuction one of the safest treatments. Less swelling and bruising are associated with liquid injection liposuction, and VASERlipo® targets the fat cells alone, leaving the healthy tissue unharmed. Dr. Paydar can help customize a treatment plan to help you reach your ideal results.
Both of the liposuction techniques utilized by Dr. Paydar allows for precision. Dr. Paydar’s experience and expertise with liposuction provide symmetry and elegant contours for the most natural-looking results.
What To Expect From Liposuction Recovery

After surgery, to control swelling and help your skin form to its new contour better, we may place foam on your skin and fit you with a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for 6 to 8 weeks. Stitches will dissolve independently after the first 7 to 10 days. You will be able to return to strenuous activity shortly after the operation.
Most bruising will disappear after two weeks, but mild swelling can remain for up to three months or more. Wearing the compression garment given to you by your surgeon, appropriate post operative diet, and getting plenty of rest will help keep swelling down and your recovery go by faster. Dr. Paydar will schedule follow-up visits to monitor your progress and see if any additional procedures are necessary.

Excellence & Artistry
Dr. Keyian Paydar is an award winning clinical professor and board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He performs a full spectrum of aesthetic plastic surgery procedures, including breast enhancement, tummy tucks, and liposuction, in addition to face procedures like facelifts, brow lifts, fat injection, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty.

Who Makes a Good Candidate for Liposuction?
The best candidates for liposuction are people who are at or near their ideal weight and have stubborn fat pockets in certain areas. It’s essential that patients are in good health and aren’t currently taking blood thinner medication. If you smoke or drink, Dr. Paydar will encourage you to stop smoking at least a month before and after your surgery and limit your alcohol consumption. Both of these dehydrate and put stress on the body, resulting in the possibility of complications during surgery and recovery.
Although age isn’t generally an issue, some older patients who have less skin elasticity may not be able to achieve their ideal results as their skin has an increased chance of sagging when the fat is removed.
Why Should You Choose Paydar Plastic Surgery for Liposuction?
Dr. Paydar is proudly ranked amongst the nation’s best in multiple plastic surgery specialties. Amongst being certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Paydar also serves as a Clinical Professor in Plastic Surgery and shares in skill, knowledge, and expertise with colleagues, students, and established team members. He is always finding ways to better address patients’ needs and achieve their ultimate aesthetic goals.
Schedule Your Newport Beach Liposuction Consultation with Dr. Paydar
If you’re interested in learning more about what liposuction can do to help eliminate stubborn fat pockets and help you achieve the smooth, beautiful hourglass figure you’ve been working hard towards, don’t hesitate to schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Paydar to discuss liposuction in more detail. Dr. Paydar will thoroughly answer any questions you might have to help make you feel secure, confident, and excited about your procedure. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Liposuction FAqs
The cost of liposuction will vary depending on complexity, the number of areas, and the length of the procedure. Please feel free to contact Paydar Plastic Surgery to receive additional information about the liposuction procedure.
This is an operation that is used to remove unwanted or stubborn subcutaneous fat with the help of some tumescent fluid that is injected in the fat before it is removed using a cannula and a suction device. Incisions used are very small and heal quickly.
Major difference: liposuction addresses excess fat only and does nothing to tighten abdominal wall laxity or skin excess. A tummy tuck allows tighter abdominal core muscles in addition to removing excess loose skin or pannus along with unwanted fat for a much tighter and smoother finish.
If sagging, loose abdominal skin is causing you concern when it comes to liposuction, you can always talk to Dr. Paydar about the possibility of having a tummy tuck. A tummy tuck will not only remove the stubborn pockets of fat, but the excess skin will be removed, muscles are tightened, and the remaining skin can be stretched across the treated area to achieve firm, smooth results. Same could be true for other parts of the body, such as the upper arm or inner thigh skin, that may require arm reduction or thigh lift, respectively.
Besides the usual swelling and bruising after liposuction is performed, expect some discomfort that improves over a few days. Compression with garments will improve the contour as well sticking to a strict diet and exercise regimen. Recovery is expected within days but final results may take up to three to six months.
Not a whole bunch. Some may even feel heavier after the operation in the beginning due to fluid shifts from the tumescent fluid injected and IV given during the operation and body’s response to the stress. Also fat is not very dense so it will take a lot of fat to give a meaningful weight reduction. The purpose of liposuction is to improve the shape or get rid of stubborn fat that doesn’t go away with diet and exercise.
Depending on the patient’s habitus and location of the body receiving liposuction, one can expect as low as 20 cc of fat to be removed from the neck or jawline up to 5 liters (5000 cc) from other parts of the body in a given operation. The upper limit has been previously decided for patient safety and to avoid the overnight hospital stay for monitoring.
Activity restrictions after liposuction are minimal, but staying away from salty food or sugars is very important in avoiding excess swelling. Complying with maintaining compression garments for 3 to 6 weeks is also important.
Majority of swelling and bruising goes away by 2 weeks and results will be noticeable, but the final results and contour can take up to 3 months.
Depending on the extent of the liposuction, there is minimum downtime from this operation. Most will experience a few days of discomfort and are back to their normal activities immediately after. Swelling and bruising can last 10 to 14 days.
Generally I recommend elevating the liposuctioned body part above the heart level to minimize the swelling. Keeping compression garments on is another recommendation while you sleep.
This depends on the patient more than anything else. Those who have an excellent diet and exercise habits can have long lasting results that extend into decades. I always warn my patients that this is not a short cut for weight reduction as a poor diet and exercise routine can ruin the results quickly and allow surrounding fat cells to take over the space that was occupied by suctioned fat.
Despite the small scars needed for this operation and fast recovery in days, it can be quite painful for a few days. We recommend using anti-inflammatory medications to assist with the discomfort.